Alejandro's Gift
This Reading Rainbow episode features Alejandro’s Gift by Richard E. Albert, a story about an old man who makes some unexpected new friends after planting a garden. LeVar Burton explores how important water is for all living things. The book is read aloud. Viewers see how different animals find and use water.
Reading Rainbow and the Reading Rainbow logo are the registered trademarks of WNED Buffalo.
This episode features Bugs by Nancy Winslow Parker and Joan Richard Wright, a book about the physical characteristics, habits, and natural environment of a variety of common bugs. LeVar Burton explains why it's important to study bugs and insects. The book is read aloud. LeVar talks about the value of reference books and where different bugs can be found.
Reading Rainbow and the Reading Rainbow logo are the registered trademarks of WNED Buffalo.
Digging Up Dinosaurs
This Reading Rainbow episode features Digging Up Dinosaurs by Aliki, a book about how scientists uncover, preserve, and study fossils. LeVar Burton explores our fascination with dinosaurs that lived and then disappeared millions of years ago. The book is read aloud. LeVar talks about how studying animals today can help us to imagine what real dinosaurs might have been like.
Reading Rainbow and the Reading Rainbow logo are the registered trademarks of WNED Buffalo.
Germs Make Me Sick!
This Reading Rainbow episode features Germs Make Me Sick! by Melvin Berger, a book that explains what germs are, how bacteria and viruses affect the human body, and how the body fights against them. We share our world with millions of microorganisms, and although most of them are harmless, some make people sick. LeVar visits a laboratory. After the story, LeVar explains that scientists study germs in labs to prevent illnesses.
Reading Rainbow and the Reading Rainbow logo are the registered trademarks of WNED Buffalo.
Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport
This episode features Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, a story about a boy who moves far away from home. LeVar Burton talks about the feelings that can accompany big life changes. The book is read aloud. Viewers learn about Gila monsters from a biologist and see one up close in the Arizona desert.
Reading Rainbow and the Reading Rainbow logo are the registered trademarks of WNED Buffalo.
Hill of Fire
This Reading Rainbow episode features Hill of Fire by Thomas P. Lewis, a book based on a true story of the eruption of Paricutin Volcano in Mexico. LeVar Burton talks about lava and why volcanoes occur while visiting Volcano National Park in Hawaii. The book is read aloud. LeVar explains the phenomenon of lava trees.
Reading Rainbow and the Reading Rainbow logo are the registered trademarks of WNED Buffalo.
How Much Is a Million?
This Reading Rainbow episode features How Much Is a Million? by David M. Schwartz, a story about a magician who loves math. LeVar Burton explores ways of counting large numbers. The book is read aloud. Viewers see how hundreds of thousands of crayons are made daily at a Crayola crayon factory.
Reading Rainbow and the Reading Rainbow logo are the registered trademarks of WNED Buffalo.
Lemonade for Sale
This Reading Rainbow episode features Lemonade for Sale by Stuart J. Murphy, a story about a group of friends who start a business together. The Elm Street Kids’ Club needs money to fix up its clubhouse, so the kids decide to sell lemonade and monitor their success by tracking daily sales. LeVar visits Wall Street and talks about what it means to be an entrepreneur. The featured book is read by singer Andrea McArdle. After the story, LeVar explains how a stock exchange works.
Reading Rainbow and the Reading Rainbow logo are the registered trademarks of WNED Buffalo.
Math Curse
This Reading Rainbow episode features Math Curse by Jon Scieszka, a zany and hilarious story about how almost everything in our lives is math-related. Math is such an integral part of our lives that we often don’t realize we are using it. LeVar talks about how math helps us find solutions for our problems. The feature book is read by actress Michelle Trachtenberg. After the story, LeVar finds a mathematical “cure” to his packing problem.
Reading Rainbow and the Reading Rainbow logo are the registered trademarks of WNED Buffalo.
Mummies Made in Egypt
This Reading Rainbow episode features Mummies Made in Egypt by Aliki, a book that describes the techniques and the reasons for the use of mummification in ancient Egypt. LeVar talks about the importance of distinguishing mummy facts from fiction. The featured book is read by actress Corinne Orr. After the story, LeVar visits the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston to see their extensive mummy collection.
Reading Rainbow and the Reading Rainbow logo are the registered trademarks of WNED Buffalo.
Space Case
This episode features Space Case by Edward Marshall, a story about a creature from outer space who visits Earth on Halloween. LeVar Burton visits the Lick Observatory in California, where astronomers use a gigantic telescope to scan the skies. The book is read aloud by actor Michael Winslow. LeVar sends a special invitation to all the aliens that might be watching.
Reading Rainbow and the Reading Rainbow logo are the registered trademarks of WNED Buffalo.